parc life
Condos nearby: 1100 - 1200 sqft
Currently showing condos within 1km radius of Parc Life with transactions for units between 1100 - 1200 sqft.
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the visionaire | $1,622,667 | $1,431psf | 1134sqft | 2018 | 99 yrs from 2015 | 861 | 3 |
the brownstone | $1,400,000 | $1,263psf | 1109sqft | 2017 | 99 yrs from 2014 | 956 | 1 |
the nautical | $1,232,000 | $1,101psf | 1119sqft | 2015 | 99 yrs from 2011 | 629 | 1 |
skypark residences | $1,538,611 | $1,342psf | 1147sqft | 2016 | 99 yrs from 2013 | 113 | 2 |
northwave | $1,378,333 | $1,239psf | 1112sqft | 2019 | 99 yrs from 2015 | 912 | 3 |