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900 - 1000 sqft

Currently showing 6 sales transactions for The Miltonia Residences from the last 3 years.

8/28/2023$1,055,000$1,065990 sqft2 bedsLevel 01
6/19/2023$1,030,000$1,100936 sqft2 bedsLevel 01
3/27/2023$1,028,000$1,098936 sqft2 bedsLevel 01
11/17/2022$960,000$1,025936 sqft2 bedsLevel 01
6/2/2022$965,000$1,030936 sqft2 bedsLevel 01
3/13/2022$955,000$1,020936 sqft2 bedsLevel 01
Showing 6 of 6 results
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