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800 - 900 sqft

Currently showing 47 sales transactions for Fulcrum from the last 10 years.

3/20/2023$1,750,000$2,139818 sqft1 bedsLevel 09
3/12/2023$1,700,000$2,051829 sqft2 bedsLevel 15
9/7/2022$1,850,000$2,203840 sqft2 bedsLevel 17
5/29/2022$1,668,000$2,012829 sqft2 bedsLevel 15
7/1/2021$1,818,000$2,193829 sqft2 bedsLevel 21
5/26/2021$1,518,000$1,832829 sqft2 bedsLevel 17
11/14/2017$1,573,000$1,923818 sqft1 bedsLevel 09
10/25/2017$1,398,000$1,709818 sqft1 bedsLevel 05
10/23/2017$1,650,000$2,017818 sqft1 bedsLevel 11
9/4/2017$1,433,000$1,752818 sqft1 bedsLevel 07
Showing 10 of 47 results
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