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Back to sea horizon

1200 - 1300 sqft

Currently showing 8 sales transactions for Sea Horizon from the last 3 years.

10/27/2024$1,725,000$1,3821249 sqft4 bedsLevel 07
8/20/2024$1,700,000$1,3271281 sqft4 bedsLevel 10
7/8/2024$1,840,000$1,4361281 sqft4 bedsLevel 08
6/12/2024$1,565,000$1,2751227 sqft3 bedsLevel 07
5/25/2023$1,668,000$1,3021281 sqft4 bedsLevel 08
5/14/2023$1,590,000$1,2411281 sqft4 bedsLevel 04
3/10/2022$1,608,000$1,2551281 sqft4 bedsLevel 11
3/7/2022$1,318,888$1,0301281 sqft4 bedsLevel 03
Showing 8 of 8 results
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