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Back to emerald of katong

1300 - 1400 sqft

Currently showing 35 sales transactions for Emerald Of Katong from the last 3 months.

11/17/2024$3,362,000$2,5601313 sqft4 bedsLevel 15
11/16/2024$3,298,000$2,5321302 sqft4 bedsLevel 07
11/16/2024$3,454,000$2,6521302 sqft4 bedsLevel 17
11/16/2024$3,193,000$2,4311313 sqft4 bedsLevel 04
11/16/2024$3,219,000$2,4511313 sqft4 bedsLevel 06
11/16/2024$3,185,000$2,4251313 sqft4 bedsLevel 01
11/16/2024$3,297,000$2,5111313 sqft4 bedsLevel 11
11/16/2024$3,388,000$2,5801313 sqft4 bedsLevel 17
11/16/2024$3,206,000$2,4411313 sqft4 bedsLevel 05
11/16/2024$3,167,000$2,4121313 sqft4 bedsLevel 02
Showing 10 of 35 results
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